Adding a little “spice” to your workout, such as pulsating, jumping, or rocking exercises, will make your muscles work harder in the moment. This goes a long way in strengthening muscles and bones, increasing athletic performance, improving balance, and reducing the risk of falls and other injuries.
Artzi, CPT, Equinox’s lead group fitness instructor and creator of the fitness platform Orriors, designed this Thrust, Jump, and Rock workout to target your entire body and give you the best experience for years to come. We have made it possible to maintain the state of
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If you’re participating in the January 2025 Good Moves Club Winter Challenge (if you haven’t already, sign up here!), this is your week 4, day 27 workout. You can follow the full-length training with Artzi. Training below. This efficient workout includes a warm-up and 6 strength-based exercises.
warming up
Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Complete 1 round.
1. Strike
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Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Bend forward at the waist and reach toward the floor. Keeping your feet in place, walk your hands forward and get into a high plank so your shoulders are over your wrists. Pause and engage your core. Return your hands to your feet and return to a standing position. repeat.
2. World’s largest stretch (alternate sides)
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Start in a high plank with your feet hip-width apart and your shoulders stacked over your wrists. Bring your right foot forward and place it on the outside of your right hand. Keeping your hips square, lift your right hand toward the ceiling and rotate your chest toward your right leg. Let’s focus our gaze on our fingertips. Pause, then return your right hand to the floor and return your right leg to a plank position. Repeat on the other side. Continue alternating.
3. Cat and Cow Pose (Bitilasana Marjaryasana)
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Get on all fours and place your hands and knees on the floor. Place your elbows and shoulders over your wrists and your hips over your knees. Slowly arch your spine and lower your stomach toward the floor. Look up while pulling your tailbone toward the ceiling (cow pose). Slowly transition into a rounded spine, tilting your pelvis forward and pulling your chin toward your spine (cat pose). Continue alternating between cow and cat poses.
4. Deep squat with thoracic twist (left and right alternating)
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Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and clasp your hands in front of your chest. Inhale, bend your hips and knees, and lower your butt until your thighs are parallel to the floor (lower if comfortable). As you exhale, press your legs evenly, place your left hand on the floor and, while squatting deeply, raise your right arm to the sky. Twist your torso toward your right hand and reach toward the ceiling. Pause and center your torso. Repeat on the other side. Continue alternating.
5. Hamstring sweep (alternate sides)
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Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms hanging by your sides. Bend your left knee slightly and step your right foot forward, bending your toes. The right leg should be straight. Lean your torso forward until it is almost parallel to the floor and extend your arms back. Next, swing your arms forward and up so that your biceps are next to your ears. You should feel a stretch in the muscles at the back of your right thigh. Repeat on the other side. Continue alternating.
6. Jumping Jack
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Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Spread your legs out to the sides while raising your arms above your head. Finish the repetition by jumping your feet together and bringing your arms back to your sides. Keep your toes light and your knees softly bent when jumping. repeat.
To complete this workout, you’ll need a resistance band and a bench, couch, or chair. Perform each exercise once, resting for 60 seconds before proceeding to the next round. Do 2-4 rounds in total.
Beginners: Do each exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, then move on to the next exercise. Intermediate: Do each exercise for 40 seconds, rest for 20 seconds, then move on to the next exercise. Advanced: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.
1. Single leg hip thrust with pulse (separate sides)
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Sit on the floor with your middle back against the edge of a bench, box, sofa, or wide chair. Fold your hands in front of your chest. Place your feet on the floor about hip-width apart. You can also turn your feet slightly outward depending on what feels most comfortable. Lift your left knee towards your chest. Squeeze your glutes and push out your right leg, lifting your hips toward the ceiling. Keep your back flat and your head facing the wall in front of you. At the top of the movement, fully extend your hips and squeeze your glutes to lock your hips. The right shin should be vertical, the right knee should be neutral or slightly rotated outward, and the right leg should form a 90-degree angle. Pause and slowly lower your hips to the floor. Lift your hips halfway and lower them back to the floor. Lift your hips up, keeping your hips fully extended. repeat.
2. Push ups
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Start in a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart. Bend your elbows at a 45-degree angle to your body and lower your body to the floor. Press your palms to push off the floor and return to a high plank, keeping your body in a straight line. repeat.
3. Hollow Rock
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Lie on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees, facing the ceiling, and your arms extended so your biceps are near your ears. Raise your head, neck, and shoulders a few inches off the floor. Stretch your legs straight out in front of you. Tighten your core and rock backward and forward. Continue rocking back and forth for the allotted time.
4. Jumping lunges (alternating left and right)
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Step your left leg forward in a standard lunge. Fold your hands in front of your chest. Take your foot off the lunge and explode. Switch feet in the air and land with your right foot forward. Repeat, alternating which leg lands in front.
Take out the jump.
5. Superhero pulldown with mini band
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Wrap the mini band around your wrist. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight behind you and your arms straight out in front of you. Lift your legs and upper body a few inches off the floor. Draw your elbows behind your head. Slowly return your arms to the starting position and extend your hands above your head. Continue to reach up and down for the allotted time.
Do not use mini bands.
6. Long jump with a 180 degree twist
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Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your hips and knees, swing your arms down and behind you, and get into a shallow squat. Raise your arms and jump forward as far as you can. Bend your knees in a squat position to absorb shock and land softly. Keeping your knees bent, twist your body 180 degrees to face the opposite direction. repeat.