Home Health 9 things obstetricians and gynecologists need to know about early menopause

9 things obstetricians and gynecologists need to know about early menopause

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9 Things Obstetricians And Gynecologists Need To Know About Early
II wake up in the middle of the night sweating. I also have hot flashes throughout the day and have missed my last two periods, even though I’ve taken multiple pregnancy tests that came back negative. If you’re menstruating in your 30s or 40s, these symptoms may sound like menopause, but menopause usually doesn’t occur until you’re in your late 40s or 50s. Could these actually be signs of early menopause?

Only your health care provider can answer this accurately, but it’s also possible that you’ll reach menopause earlier (which, by the way, is different from the perimenopausal or pre-menopausal stages).

Here are nine things experts want you to know about why early menopause occurs, how treatment options differ from regular menopause, and how early menopause affects your overall health. I will.

First of all, what is premature menopause?

Before we get into the main topic, let’s briefly review about menopause. Menopause is a normal part of aging and causes people who menstruate to stop having periods and eventually become unable to conceive. Menopause, along with the end of menstruation, can cause other symptoms that affect daily life.

Early menopause refers to the onset of the transition earlier than expected. “Any menopausal symptoms before age 40 are considered premature menopause,” Dr. Michael Thomas, an obstetrician and gynecologist and chair of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, told Well+Good. She added that if menopause occurs in your early 40s, it is considered menopause, but not premature onset.

Distinguishing between the two can help your health care provider order the appropriate tests (i.e., blood tests to prove that menopause is causing your symptoms) and provide the appropriate treatment.

Another thing worth noting is that both early menopause and menopause are preceded by something called perimenopause. Research shows that this stage is usually lasts about 4 yearsHowever, Dr. Thomas points out that perimenopause may be shorter for people who experience early menopause.

9 things you need to know about premature menopause

1. Early menopause varies.

The Women’s Health Bureau notes that the average age of menopause is 52 years. However, that does not mean that all menstruating men begin menopause at this age. Just as we achieve career and life milestones at our own pace, our bodies have their own timelines.

Menopause is an ongoing process that often begins between the ages of 45 and 55. It may be diagnosed earlier as premature or premature.

“Menopause is a continuum that goes through puberty in reverse. At puberty, women gain ovarian function and their ovaries produce estrogen. , and the ovaries stop producing estrogen,” says Dr. Pamela Promesen. She is an obstetrician-gynecologist and professor at the University of Houston Health.

2. Signs are similar to normal menopause

In fact, it turns out that the signs of early menopause in your 30s and 40s are similar to the signs of menopause at later ages. Here we discuss hot flashes, missed periods, and vaginal dryness, among other common symptoms. The only difference between early-onset and “normal” menopause is the age at which symptoms begin.

Now, there is one exception to this. And that’s when you’re on the pill. If you are using hormonal birth control, signs of early menopause may be suppressed or absent. this is, Symptoms of menopause This is caused by a lack of estrogen, and oral contraceptives provide an adequate supply of estrogen (thus suppressing symptoms).

3. The most common cause is unknown

There are many Myths about menopause There are many causes of early menopause, including stress, unhealthy diet, and birth control. But the truth is, the causes of early menopause are often unknown. However, certain conditions may be the cause, such as:

ovariectomy: “Surgical removal of the ovaries before age 45 can also cause early menopause,” says Dr. Promesen. chromosomal abnormality: “A rare disease that affects one of a woman’s X chromosomes can cause early menopause,” says Dr. Promesen. pelvic radiation: Radiation and chemotherapy to the pelvic area can also cause early menopause.

“But in most cases, no one knows why it happens,” says Dr. Thomas. She added that before classifying early menopause as a “random phenomenon,” it is important to perform additional tests to rule out potential causes.

If all the tests come back normal, it may be a random problem, but that’s okay. With proper treatment, it does not significantly affect your overall health. (More on this later.)

4. Contraception does not cause early menopause

We all know that birth control disrupts hormones, but can birth control cause early menopause? One study analyzed over 100,000 people at the age of menopause. There is no correlation with contraceptionTwo uses and early menopause. In almost every other study we found, The experts we spoke to suggested the same thing.

“Contraceptive pills do not stop future cycles or cause early menopause. We know that the average age at menopause remains the same whether you are taking oral contraceptives or not. ,” says Dr. Thomas.

5. I still get my period sometimes.

That’s true. As you move from perimenopause to early menopause, you may still experience occasional periods. It may not look the same as before (i.e. brighter colors, flows, textures).

But this also means you can still get pregnant. As long as you’re still having some kind of period, this means you can get pregnant. Therefore, if you want to avoid pregnancy, it’s best to use a method of contraception during sex, whether it’s condoms or hormonal contraceptives.

6. Stress maybe responsible (at least in part)

Healthcare providers always tell us to reduce stress for a variety of health reasons. But can stress cause early menopause? The answer is a little complicated.

A January 2021 study in PLOS One found that stressful events can trigger menopause symptoms 21% more severe4. However, stress does not cause early menopause. “While stress can contribute to many health conditions, including menopause, stress is not the only cause of early menopause or premature menopause,” Dr. Promesen says.

Simply put, there is no direct correlation between stress and early onset of menopause, but stress may play a supporting role.

7. Bone health becomes important as menopause begins earlier.

We don’t often think about bone health, but if you’re struggling with early menopause, it might be a good time to start. Dr. Thomas explains that prolonged low estrogen levels can reduce bone density and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Dr. Promesen agrees: “A woman who goes through menopause at age 40 will have lower bone density at age 50 than a woman who goes through menopause at age 50, given the same bone density.”

Both Drs. Promecene and Thomas recommend starting bone density scans at an earlier age if you are experiencing early menopause. you may be a strong candidate Hormone therapyhelps maintain healthy estrogen levels and keep bones strong.

8. Early menopause can run in families.

Although medical researchers cannot say for sure that early menopause is 100 percent genetic, there appears to be a genetic component.

“If your mom went through menopause at age 38, there’s a good chance you’ll go through menopause around that age, too,” says Dr. Thomas. The same goes for older siblings and relatives on the mother’s side.

Ultimately, when you start menopause is similar to when your relatives did (and early menopause tends to run in families), but predicting when a person will start menopause is is not an exact science.

9. Treatment options are the same

Regardless of age or when menopause begins, treatment options are usually the same.

Treatment options are usually the same for everyone going through menopause, regardless of age. Recent research has found that common treatments and lifestyle changes to reduce menopause symptoms include:

Hormone therapy Non-hormonal drugs that target specific symptoms such as hot flashes calcium supplement exercise Maintain a healthy weight or lose weight (if recommended by your healthcare provider) cognitive behavioral therapy Mindfulness intervention

As we learned, early menopause can increase the risk of decreased bone density and osteoporosis, so hormone therapy is especially helpful during this time. Dr. Thomas notes that early menopause can also affect your ability to conceive, which may require difficult conversations with your partner (if you want to get pregnant) and mental health support. .

Whether menopause occurs early or when it is “supposed” to occur, having support from loved ones can reduce stress and help you feel more comfortable as you explore treatment options.

When should you see a health care provider?

“If you haven’t had your period and suddenly start having hot flashes or other symptoms common to older women, it’s best to see your health care provider to find out what’s going on,” says Dr. Thomas. .

She also recommends keeping a record of any abnormalities, such as late periods or menopausal symptoms such as night sweats. vaginal dryness. Writing down these concerns will make it easier to discuss early menopause, especially during routine check-ups and medical appointments.

No matter how old you are, it’s natural to feel supported throughout your menopause. If menopause began before age 45, it may be especially beneficial to pay attention to your bone health and know that your menopause timeline doesn’t have to affect yours. There is.

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Delamater, Lara, and Nanette Santoro. “Management of perimenopause”. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology vol. 61,3 (2018): 419-432. doi:10.1097/GRF.0000000000000389 Langton, CR et al. “The association of oral contraceptives and tubal ligation with the risk of early natural menopause” Human Reproduction (Oxford, UK) vol. 36,7 (2021): 1989 ~1998. doi:10.1093/humrep/deab054 Arnott, Megan et al. “The relationship between social support, stressful events, and menopausal symptoms.” PloS vol. 1. 16,1 e0245444. January 27, 2021, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0245444 McGraith, Karen, and Christina Jean. “Management of menopausal symptoms.” Australian Prescriber vol. 46,3 (2023): 48-53. doi:10.18773/austprescr.2023.014 McGraith, Karen, and Christina Jean. “Management of menopausal symptoms.” Australian Prescriber vol. 46,3 (2023): 48-53. doi:10.18773/austprescr.2023.014 Hernández-Ángeles, Claudio, and Camil Castelo-Blanco. “Early Menopause: A Risk to Women’s Health.” Indian Journal of Medical Research Vol. 143,4 (2016): 420-7. doi:10.4103/0971-5916.184283

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